
Filters Cannot Perform What Action On Collected Data?

Filters Cannot Perform What Action On Collected Data

Question: Filters Cannot Perform What Action On Collected Data?


  • Exclude traffic from particular IP addresses
  • Convert dynamic page URLs to readable text strings
  • Include data from specific subdomains
  • Include shopping preferences

The right answer of “filters cannot perform what action on collected data?” is Include shopping preferences. However, many people might wonder why this one is the right answer, and others are not. Here is the explanation that will help you to know why it is the correct answer. 


One of the major reasons why filters cannot perform shopping preferences is because the data of customers is stored in advertising features. Also, it is not available in the view. However, if you want to exclude or include traffic from specific IP addresses, exclude and include data from particular subdomains, and convert URLs of the dynamic page to readable text.  

In short, view filters help you to modify and limit the traffic, which is included in the view. Now that you got the right answer of “filters cannot perform what action on collected data?” You need to find out more about it and the details to learn more. Here is some crucial information given below that can help you. 

What Are View Filters?

What Are View Filters

View content filters help you to determine what it can contain. It comes with some set of rules that helps to set which network objects are shown in the display and potentially available. For example, if you want to limit the information only a user wants to see, you can restrict the view to show particular components. 

Filters help to automate the maintaining and creating process of view contents. Also, it allows the content of the view to change based on the criteria change. There are three different view content types such as event filters, content filters, and incident filters. 

  • Event Filters – This filter is applied to determine all the different events that come in the display in the events dashboard. 
  • Content Filters – It is used to determine the specific objects that view displays. 
  • Incident Filters – As the name suggests, this is applied to determine the displayed incidents in the Events dashboard view. 

Now you know both the answers of “filters cannot perform what action on collected data?” and what are view filters. It is time to find out how to create one for the new view. Here are the steps that you need to follow to create a filter for the new view. 

How To Create A Filter? 

Create A Filter

Here are some simple steps that you can follow to create a filter for the new view. 

  • First, you will need to open the Google Analytics account and sign in to the Admin section. 
  • Then, you need to select the property and account you want to choose for the new filter. 
  • After entering the selected account, you will need to visit the view column and click on filters. There, you will get the option “+ Add Filter” Click on it to add a filter.
  • When you are done creating a new filter, the first thing that you need to do is name it. You will need to choose the name very carefully as it will help to represent the data subset. Make sure it is descriptive to get the best results. 
  • Next, you need to choose the type of your filter between custom and predefined. If you are a beginner, then it is better to go with the predefined options. Most of the time, you will find a filter that meets all your requirements. In case there is not any matching option, then move to custom. 
  • As the name suggests, you will be able to create one and customize it to meet all needs of your customers.
  • Now, when you are done with creating your type, go to the list of “available views. Among all of them, choose single or multiple views that you want to apply the filter on. 
  • To save the changes, click on the “save” button. 

These are the steps that you can take to add a new filter to the views. However, there is some information that you need to remember. You can add any pre-existing filters. You do not have to add only new ones. While clicking on the “+ Add New,” you can choose existing ones. Also, you can determine which filters you want under a specific view. 

Additional Information About Analytics View Filters

Additional Information About Analytics View Filters

There are some other things about the Analytics View Filters that you need to know. 

1. Be Careful When Including Filters 

While you can apply multiple exclude filters of the same type, you will run into problems if you follow the same with include filters. For example, if you want to create a single view for CPC and organic users, you can’t add two different filters. Otherwise, Google Analytics will provide no data. 

2. Keep The Data View Raw 

One of the most important things you need to keep in mind is keeping the security in check. Keeping a data view in its original state helps you recover if you accidentally mess up the data views. 

3. Give It Time 

Many people come with complaints that the filters are not working immediately. Well, it will not perform as soon as it’s applied; you need to give it some time before making it work. Usually, it takes around a few hours to start working.  

So, if you are looking for the answer of filters cannot perform what action on collected data? The right answer is “include shopping preferences.” 


This is one of the questions of individual qualification from Google Analytics. You can find out the right answer and explanation of “filters cannot perform what action on collected data?” Apart from that, there is plenty of other information that will help you find out more about it. If you are thinking of creating a filter, then here are some things that you need to know. 

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Sofia Kelly is a passionate blogger. She loves to share her thoughts, ideas, and experiences with the world through blogging. Sofia Kelly is associated with NewsProfy & Worthy To Share.

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